Reverse Phase Protein Microarrays
Data Sheet

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Reverse Phase Protein Microarrays
Step 1. Manufacture Microarrays with NanoPrint Microarrayer.
Step 2. Process in TrayMix 4 Automated Processing System.
Step3. Scan and Quantify with Innoscan 710 or 710AL InfraRed Microarray Scanner.
Reverse phase protein microarrays can be printed in the 21 x 60 mm reaction area shown above.
Product List and Links Compatible with Reverse Phase Protein Microarrays.
946 and Stealth Micro Spotting Devices
These are the most widely used microarray technologies in the world, with many thousands of installations world wide on various robotic systems. It is used to manufacture CGH microarrays of BACs, cDNAs or oligos. It is compatible with all the various microarray surface chemistries deployed in reverse phase protein microarray applications.
NanoPrint 2 Protein Microarrayers
High throughput linear drive motion control based microarrayer capable of more than 48 spots per second, and 50,000 spots per microarray. This instrument sets the standard for reverse phase portein microarray manufacturing using patented contact printing by Arrayit USPTO 6,101,946.
SpotBot® 4 Protein Microarrayers
Low throughput microarrayer excellent for personal microarray manufacturing.
Innoscan Series Microarray Scanners
InfraRed High speed and high resolution 2-color systems specific for reverse phase experimental design.
Microarray surface chemistries
Epoxy and nitrocellulose slides chemistries for reverse phase protein microarray applications. Contact us for details.
Hybridization Cassettes
This simple, yet high performance hand operated tool delivers consistent hybridization results at very low cost. Durable and lasting performance for many years is guaranteed.
TrayMix2 Automated Hybridization Station
Removes potential errors that can occur from manual processing. This tool can also process traditional cytogenetic tests as well as other types of DNA and protein microarray hybridization reactions.
High Throughput Wash Station
Simple and inexpensive tool to get stunning microarray results.
Microarray Centrifuge
This tool provides quick and efficient drying of microarrays prior to scanning.
Scientific Publications
Click here for recent scientific publications using ArrayIt® brand products from Arrayit International, Inc. for reverse phase protein microarray.